Module development handbook
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This handbook has been created to help guide you through the design and development of an online course.
You aren't expected to sit down and read this all in one go. Your learning designer will ask you to read certain sections before key events; for example, they have probably asked you to read the Briefing section before your first meeting with them. You can dip in and out of this handbook as you're working on your module, to refresh your memory or clarify some key points. There's also a Frequently asked questions page you might find useful.
If you have experience with online teaching already, you might find that a lot of the content is reinforcing what you already know, but it's good to familiarise yourself with the process we follow at the University of London nonetheless.
The briefing stage is the first stage in the process – this is where you will have introductory workshops with your learning designer and other members of the team. This section goes through some of the important information you need to know before your first workshop. Your learning designer will go through this in more detail during the workshop and answer any questions you have.
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The main focus of stage 2 is to design the learning and teaching activities for your module and identify the resources you will use. You will outline this in a document called the Module design planner (MDP).Aktivity: 8
Once your MDP is signed off, you'll move on to the Production stage. This is where you'll write your scripts and slides, finalise your module content and film your videos.
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Time to add the finishing touches and then go live!
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