How to complete your module content
Conditions d’achèvement
Now you've completed your scripts and slides, you'll move on to finalising your module content. This section has guidance on how to do this.
1. General tips
- Don't refer to students in the third person (for example, 'This week the students will...'). Always address them as 'you' or 'we' (for example, 'This week you will discuss...' or 'We will examine...').
- Always explain jargon or acronyms that students might not be familiar with.
- Try to avoid using language that is too figurative or that relies too much on idiom – students might struggle to understand your meaning if English is not their first language, even if you think it's a common enough phrase!
- Avoid extensive use of italics or bold for emphasis.
- Always include full citations for sources and quotes.